Top 7 Refugee Education startups

March 20, 2024 | By Nadia Neveu

These startups deploy innovative solutions to address the unique challenges faced by refugees, including language barriers, interrupted schooling, and limited access to resources.
Country: Finland | Funding: €3.5M
Funzi develops a mobile learning and information service with an initial focus on emerging markets.
Country: Italy | Funding: €980K
Mygrants is the most widely used educational online platform for refugees and asylum seekers in Italy.
Country: Estonia | Funding: €180K
Edumus School is a platform for high school students where elective courses are developed and delivered by industry experts and teachers.
Country: Germany
Kiron is an open online education platform for refugees.
Country: Italy
REFUGEE RESTART è un incubatore 100% online di talenti e nuove imprese per persone rifugiate e migranti. Un percorso specialistico pensato per superare le barriere principali da affrontare quando si avvia un business in un nuovo Paese.
Country: Finland
Supporting refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in employment & entrepreneurship.
Country: Lebanon
Thaki advances digital inclusion and bridges learning gaps by providing laptops with preloaded educational content for refugee and underserved communities in the Middle East.
Editor: Nadia Neveu
Nadia Neveu is a senior editor for EdTechStartups. She is a writer covering early childhood education, K-12, higher education and edtech business, and her work has appeared in The New York Times, BBC and Vice. Nadia holds a degree in mass communication from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Nadia is also a student in the Master of Science in Data Analytics program at the University of Houston-Downtown. Nadia seeks to uplift all teachers in the work that they do and support them as leaders and agents of change. You can contact Nadia at neveu(at)edtechstartups(dot)com